ROBERT RAM TODD July 1932 – January 2020

Trustees are sad to announce that Ram, founder of the Helga Todd Teachers’ Education Foundation, died suddenly in India of a heart attack. He had been doing his customary round of visits to the Foundation’s projects in India and was visiting Akal University, Talwandi Sabo in Punjab when he was taken ill. He died in hospital later that night surrounded by colleagues and friends. A Helga Todd associate, Marion Thomas, was present for the cremation – “a ceremony of reverence, beauty and simplicity” – alongside his brother and sister and members of the Akal community. A memorial occasion is being planned to take place in the UK later this year and we are assembling memories and condolences to pass on to his family.
The photograph, taken that day, typifies Ram and his single-minded aspirations for the education charity he founded in 2009. He is full of energy, enjoyment and interest, as he visited the classroom of one of the current interns on teaching practice.
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